What We Ate This Week, Vol. 8
A peek into real life here: what my family actually ate for dinners during the past week. I hope this post gives you some inspiration, something relatable, or is just fun to read.
One of the most common questions I get from friends and acquaintances is whether the recipes I post on the blog are what we actually eat for dinner. I’m happy to report that they absolutely are; I don’t have any extra time to cook different things! But given the frequency of this question, I figured people might be interested in this little glimpse behind the scenes.
Background & Daily Routine
I live with my husband and our two little-ish kids, 8 year old Henry and 3 year old Viv. We live just outside of Washington, DC and are very fortunate to have a huge variety of grocery stores and restaurants nearby.
Honestly, breakfast and lunch are pretty boring around here. Weekday breakfasts are a rotation of protein waffles, oatmeal, cereal, hash browns, or scrambled eggs and bacon, always with fruit. Time permitting I will make a quick batch of pancakes or French toast. On the weekends my husband takes over and will often make waffles or Henry’s favorite chocolate chip banana pancakes.
Lunch is also pretty predictable: leftovers, a big salad, or something very simple for the kids if they are home. Quesadillas, mac and cheese, pesto pasta, chicken nuggets, etc.
Although our dinners may be only marginally more exciting, that’s what I’m going to focus on here. 🙂
Our Week in Dinners
I missed a week back there; sorry about that! Here’s the latest, though. Lots of old favorites this week, because life was too busy to test or photograph much new content.
Saturday 3/2: My Mom is in town, briefly! Pierogies and sausage get the nod for an easy dinner fitting of a Pittsburgh reunion. Paired with roasted baby carrots and steam-in-bag peas it’s actually a pretty colorful plate that everyone likes.
Sunday 3/3: It’s a good day to graze, because Viv has yet another bug of some kind, Henry has sports, and we’re taking my Mom to the airport to visit her sister. Leftovers for lunch, and straight up miscellany for dinner. I think the kids ate quesadillas?
Monday 3/4: Chicken meatballs with orzo and peppers. One of my personal favorites, which Paul adores, too. The kids are skeptical of the peppers tonight, but love the meatballs as always, and Viv has apparently now decided she enjoys orzo. I declare it a victory.
Tuesday 3/5: Another good day for grazing: Viv feels better, but no school for Henry, so we do all the kids’ normal Tuesday extracurriculars plus head to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum for a special activity in the middle of the day. Also, I realize that Henry’s soccer practice has moved to 5:30-7:00pm as of this week, which is a big fat stinker for family dinners.
In lieu of real dinner tonight, I take Viv to a playground while Paul takes Henry to practice, and everyone eats chicken nuggets or leftovers with assorted veggies and fruits on their own timetable. Blah.
Wednesday 3/6: Salmon pesto pasta with steamed broccoli on the side. I want to update the post with slightly fresher photos, and this is the only meal I’ve managed to photograph this week, so that’s a win.
Viv actually really likes salmon, so that’s a win. I started calling it “pink chicken” when she was tiny, and although I am reasonably sure she’d still eat it now regardless of nomenclature, I still call it “pink chicken” for her out of habit and because it’s cute. Henry, being uncharacteristically unhelpful, informs her it is in no way related to chicken and actually used to be a slimy fish in the water. Kids: always a joy.
Thursday 3/7: I suggest either BBQ chicken flatbreads or Chick-fil-A; hubby chooses the flatbreads! He, Viv, and I all enjoy them, and while I’m at it I make 4 flatbreads worth so I can have them for future lunches.
Henry comes home late from soccer practice. I offer the leftover flatbread, but he is all too happy when I agree to a peanut butter and banana sandwich instead.
Friday 3/8: It feels indulgent but we grab Chipotle for lunch and pizza out for dinner. A pleasant end to a busy week!
And that’s a wrap on our week(s) in family meals!
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