Nourish and Fete
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Image of Monica Lensink.

Hi, I'm Monica!

Just an everyday Mom. Our lives are as busy as any family, but dinner is the one thing I usually have under control, and I share all our favorite recipes with you!

I believe family food can be inspiring, fresh, and delicious. Here you’ll find recipes for nourishing everyday meals and for life’s little celebrations.

Small white plate with a meal of teriyaki coated salmon garnished with sesame seeds, brown rice, and steamed broccoli.

Dinner tonight Teriyaki Salmon

Easy to make and supremely delicious, with tender baked salmon and the most enticing sweet and savory homemade sauce. Pair with rice and steamed veggies for a simple, nutritious dinner, or add more veggies and make it the base of a build-your-own-bowl.

Chicken Skillets

Easy chicken skillet dinners are some of our favorites, and most of these can be made in 30 minutes or less!